Posted on: 1 September, 2014

Orchestra ONE: Project 8

Orchestra ONE‘s summer project has been another great success! Nearly 50 young musicians from many different musical genres and backgrounds took part and they ranged from beginners to experienced players. Taking inspiration from Shakespeare’s play “The Tempest”, the talented instrumentalists and vocalists created and composed their own music led by acclaimed jazz musician Joe Browne. The 4-day project culminated in a fantastic concert for family and friends at New Line Learning Academy and was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended and performed.

“I thought Project 8 was brilliant – the tutors and kids did an amazing job and obviously worked very hard!  My girls and I really enjoyed the performance.” 


What the musicians thought…

“This is the best music project ever!”

“Orchestra ONE helps me to increase my skills and self-confidence”

“Orchestra ONE was very good and it encourages people not to be shy”

“Orchestra ONE give us confidence, it’s so great, we are a great big family!”



To find out more and to keep up-to-date with Orchestra ONE news visit our webpage and follow Orchestra ONE on Facebook!

Or contact Sue Marlow on  07936 428436