Teaching Composition in KS1
Harrietsham C of E Primary School, West Street, Harrietsham, Maidstone, Kent, ME17 1JZDate
- 19/05/2025 4:30 pm till 6:00 pm
Lacking confidence in teaching composition? No idea where to start?
Look no further! We are holding a session that looks at all of the basic skills you will need to confidently deliver composition activities with KS1. During this session we will explore a range of games, physical activities and fun practical ideas that you take straight into your classroom. You will be on the go and discovering the hidden composer in you! This session is aimed at all primary school staff and there will be something for everyone, specialist or non-specialist.
We will be led by Katie Teage; a versatile educator, choir conductor and soprano for the London Vocal Project. She has 23 years of experience in primary education as a teacher, music specialist and assistant head. Katie presents school concerts and advises hubs, schools, music colleges and the BBC, making her an expert in music education.
Kent Music are proud to bring these events to music educators across the county for free! There is a small fee of £15 for independent schools and out of area schools. If you book a place please endeavour to attend or let us know if you can no longer make it as this may be preventing another person booking a space. There will be a charge of £15 to schools for non-attendance at in-person events without 48 hours notice.
Kindly hosted by Harrietsham Primary School.
Due to it’s popularity this event has now sold out! We hope to host a similar session again in the future.